Source code for scriptconfig.smartcast

__all__ = ['smartcast']

NoneType = type(None)

[docs] def smartcast(item, astype=None, strict=False, allow_split=False): r""" Converts a string into a standard python type. In many cases this is a simple alternative to `eval`. However, the syntax rules use here are more permissive and forgiving. The `astype` can be specified to provide a type hint, otherwise we try to cast to the following types in this order: int, float, complex, bool, none, list, tuple. Args: item (str | object): represents some data of another type. astype (type | None): if None, try infer what the best type is, if astype == 'eval' then try to return `eval(item)`, Otherwise, try to cast to this type. Default to None. strict (bool): if True raises a TypeError if conversion fails. Default to False. allow_split (bool): if True will interpret strings with commas as sequences. Defaults to True. Returns: object: some item Raises: TypeError: if we cannot determine the type Example: >>> # Simple cases >>> print(repr(smartcast('?'))) >>> print(repr(smartcast('1'))) >>> print(repr(smartcast('1,2,3'))) >>> print(repr(smartcast('abc'))) >>> print(repr(smartcast('[1,2,3,4]'))) >>> print(repr(smartcast(',/etc/conf.txt,/baz/biz,blah'))) '?' 1 [1, 2, 3] 'abc' [1, 2, 3, 4] ['', '/etc/conf.txt', '/baz/biz', 'blah'] >>> # Weird cases >>> print(repr(smartcast('[1],2,abc,4'))) ['[1]', 2, 'abc', 4] Example: >>> assert smartcast('?') == '?' >>> assert smartcast('1') == 1 >>> assert smartcast('1.0') == 1.0 >>> assert smartcast('1.2') == 1.2 >>> assert smartcast('True') is True >>> assert smartcast('false') is False >>> assert smartcast('None') is None >>> assert smartcast('1', str) == '1' >>> assert smartcast('1', eval) == 1 >>> assert smartcast('1', bool) is True >>> assert smartcast('[1,2]', eval) == [1, 2] Example: >>> def check_typed_value(item, want, astype=None): >>> got = smartcast(item, astype) >>> assert got == want and isinstance(got, type(want)), ( >>> 'Cast {!r} to {!r}, but got {!r}'.format(item, want, got)) >>> check_typed_value('?', '?') >>> check_typed_value('1', 1) >>> check_typed_value('1.0', 1.0) >>> check_typed_value('1.2', 1.2) >>> check_typed_value('True', True) >>> check_typed_value('None', None) >>> check_typed_value('1', 1, int) >>> check_typed_value('1', True, bool) >>> check_typed_value('1', 1.0, float) >>> check_typed_value(1, 1.0, float) >>> check_typed_value(1.0, 1.0) >>> check_typed_value([1.0], (1.0,), 'tuple') """ if callable(astype) and getattr(astype, '__name__', '') in {'smartcast', '_smart_type'}: astype = None if isinstance(item, str): if astype is None: type_list = [int, float, complex, bool, NoneType] if ',' in item: type_list += [list, tuple, set] # Try each candidate in the type list until something works for astype in type_list: try: return _as_smart_type(item, astype) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass if strict: raise TypeError('Could not smartcast item={!r}'.format(item)) else: return item else: return _as_smart_type(item, astype) else: # Note this is not a common case, the input is typically a string # Might want to rethink behvaior in this case. if astype is None: return item else: if astype == eval: return item elif isinstance(astype, str): if astype == 'eval': _astype = _identity elif astype == 'int': _astype = int elif astype == 'bool': _astype = bool elif astype == 'float': _astype = float elif astype == 'complex': _astype = complex elif astype == 'str': _astype = str elif astype == 'tuple': _astype = tuple elif astype == 'list': _astype = list elif astype == 'set': _astype = set elif astype == 'frozenset': _astype = frozenset else: raise KeyError('unknown string astype={!r}'.format(astype)) return _astype(item) else: return astype(item)
def _as_smart_type(item, astype): """ casts item to type, and tries to be clever when item is a string, otherwise it simply calls `astype(item)`. Args: item (str): represents some data of another type. astype (type | str): type to attempt to cast to Returns: object: Example: >>> assert _as_smart_type('1', int) == 1 >>> assert _as_smart_type('1', str) == '1' >>> assert _as_smart_type('1', bool) is True >>> assert _as_smart_type('0', bool) is False >>> assert _as_smart_type('1', float) == 1.0 >>> assert _as_smart_type('1', list) == [1] >>> assert _as_smart_type('(1,3)', 'eval') == (1, 3) >>> assert _as_smart_type('(1,3)', eval) == (1, 3) >>> assert _as_smart_type('1::3', slice) == slice(1, None, 3) """ if not isinstance(item, str): raise TypeError('item must be a string') if astype is NoneType: return _smartcast_none(item) elif astype is bool: return _smartcast_bool(item) elif astype is slice: return _smartcast_slice(item) elif astype in [int, float, complex]: return astype(item) elif astype is str: return item elif astype is eval: import ast return ast.literal_eval(item) elif astype in [list, tuple, set, frozenset]: # TODO: # use parse_nestings to smartcast complex lists/tuples/sets return _smartcast_simple_sequence(item, astype) elif isinstance(astype, str): # allow types to be given as strings astype = { 'bool': bool, 'int': int, 'float': float, 'complex': complex, 'str': str, 'eval': eval, 'none': NoneType, }[astype.lower()] return _as_smart_type(item, astype) raise NotImplementedError('Unknown smart astype=%r' % (astype,)) def _smartcast_slice(item): args = [int(p) if p else None for p in item.split(':')] return slice(*args) def _smartcast_none(item): """ Casts a string to None. """ if item.lower() == 'none': return None else: raise TypeError('string does not represent none') def _smartcast_bool(item): """ Casts a string to a boolean. Setting strict=False allows '0' and '1' to be used as a bool """ lower = item.lower() if lower == 'true': return True elif lower == 'false': return False else: try: return bool(int(item)) except TypeError: pass raise TypeError('item does not represent boolean') def _smartcast_simple_sequence(item, astype=list): """ Casts only the simplest strings to a sequence. Cannot handle any nesting. Example: >>> assert _smartcast_simple_sequence('1') == [1] >>> assert _smartcast_simple_sequence('[1]') == [1] >>> assert _smartcast_simple_sequence('[[1]]') == ['[1]'] >>> item = "[1,2,3,]" >>> _smartcast_simple_sequence(item) """ nesters = {list: '[]', tuple: '()', set: '{}', frozenset: '{}'} nester = nesters.pop(astype) item = item.strip() if item.startswith(nester[0]) and item.endswith(nester[1]): item = item[1:-1] elif any(item.startswith(nester[0]) and item.endswith(nester[1]) for nester in nesters.values()): raise ValueError('wrong nester') parts = [p.strip() for p in item.split(',')] parts = [p for p in parts if p] return astype(smartcast(p) for p in parts) def _identity(arg): """ identity function """ return arg if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python ~/code/scriptconfig/scriptconfig/ """ import xdoctest xdoctest.doctest_module(__file__)